将PowerShell连接到SQL Server –使用其他帐户
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介绍 (Introduction)

In a previous article on I went over how you use various methods in PowerShell to connect to SQL Server. In those examples though I only touched on using the current user that is running “PowerShell.exe”. In this article I want to pick up and go over how you would use the same methods, but as a different account. I will cover using both Windows Authentication (where supported) and SQL Login authentication.

在上一篇有关文章中,我介绍了如何在PowerShell中使用各种方法连接到SQL Server。 在这些示例中,尽管我仅涉及使用正在运行“ PowerShell.exe”的当前用户。 在本文中,我想介绍一下如何使用相同的方法,但使用不同的帐户。 我将介绍如何使用Windows身份验证(在支持的地方)和SQL登录身份验证。

There is one object in PowerShell utilized for making connections as a separate account: PSCredential. This object is used to capture the new credentials. In most cases it allows you to securely pass in those credentials without making the account information visible in your script. In the examples below I am just going to use the “Get-Credential” command to build this object. The article referenced at the end of this article for securing your passwords in PowerShell goes over this command and others in more detail.

PowerShell中有一个对象用于作为独立帐户进行连接:PSCredential。 该对象用于捕获新的凭证。 在大多数情况下,它使您可以安全地传递这些凭据,而无需在脚本中显示帐户信息。 在下面的示例中,我将使用“ Get-Credential”命令来构建此对象。 本文末尾引用的有关在PowerShell中保护密码的文章更详细地介绍了此命令和其他命令。

选件 (Options)

As the previous article, the following are the options we will cover:


  • SQL Server PowerShell (SQLPS)

    SQL Server PowerShell(SQLPS)
  • SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)

    SQL Server管理对象(SMO)
  • .NET (System.Data.SqlClient)


SQL Server PowerShell(SQLPS) (SQL Server PowerShell (SQLPS))

While SQLPS is still around a better module that Microsoft released with SSMS 2016 was renamed to “SqlServer”. This module is being expanded upon as SSMS updates are released so is more robust that SQLPS module. The methods shown below would work with either module though.

尽管SQLPS仍然围绕着一个更好的模块,但微软随SSMS 2016发布的模块被重命名为“ SqlServer”。 随着SSMS更新的发布,此模块正在扩展,因此比SQLPS模块更强大。 不过,以下所示的方法可与任一模块一起使用。

SqlServer提供程序 (SqlServer Provider)

SQLPS.exe, the utility, is not going to be touched on because it does not support changing the account before you connect. When you open that utility you are placed directly into the “SQLSERVER:” provider, without being able to change the account. The provider itself though, can be adjusted to use a separate account. If you have used the file provider in PowerShell to connect to remote shares (equivalent to”net use“) it works the same way.

实用程序SQLPS.exe不会被触及,因为它不支持在连接前更改帐户。 当您打开该实用程序时,将直接将其放置在“ SQLSERVER:”提供程序中,而无需更改帐户。 但是,提供者本身可以进行调整以使用单独的帐户。 如果您已使用PowerShell中的文件提供程序连接到远程共享(相当于“ net use”),则其工作方式相同。

The command to create a new drive in PowerShell is “New-PSDrive”. This command requires the following parameters to create the drive:

在PowerShell中创建新驱动器的命令是“ New-PSDrive”。 此命令需要以下参数来创建驱动器:

  • Name – this is used to do directory lookup, so instead of “SQLSERVER:” you would use the name provided

    名称–用于执行目录查找,因此可以使用提供的名称代替“ SQLSERVER:”
  • PSProvider – this tells the command what provider to actually use, in our case it is SqlServer

    PSProvider –告诉命令实际使用哪个提供程序,在我们的例子中是SqlServer
  • Root – the root path you want to connect to (e.g. “SQLSERVER:”)

    根–您要连接的根路径(例如“ SQLSERVER:”)
  • Credential – the account you want to make the connection under

New-PsDrive -Name DefaultSql -PSProvider SqlServer -Root 'SQLSERVER:\SQL\SERVERNAME\DEFAULT' -Credential (Get-Credential)

The limitation you have with the SqlServer provider (both module and PSDrive) is it only supports SQL Login authentication. It creates the drive with a Windows account, but when you try to do a directory lookup on the drive you will see the exception:

SqlServer提供程序(模块和PSDrive两者)所具有的限制是它仅支持SQL登录身份验证。 它使用Windows帐户创建驱动器,但是当您尝试在驱动器上进行目录查找时,会看到以下异常:

You can see from this screen shot it errors that it does not exist. There is no associated login failure logged to SQL Server, so my belief is it was not implemented to properly handle using Windows Account as SMO supports. If you try using a SQL Login though, you can see a successful attempt to browse the drive:

您可以从该屏幕快照中看到它不存在的错误。 没有关联的登录失败记录到SQL Server,因此我相信,由于SMO支持,因此未实现使用Windows帐户正确处理它。 但是,如果尝试使用SQL登录名,则可以成功浏览驱动器:

SqlServer模块 (SqlServer Module)

The module is slowly growing with new commands each month, and has officially replaced the SQLPS module. I have found not all of the commands support the “-Credential” parameter though, only 24 out of 82 as of this article. You can easily find the ones that do by using the following command:

该模块每个月都有新命令在缓慢发展,并已正式取代SQLPS模块。 我发现虽然并非所有命令都支持“ -Credential”参数,但截至本文为止,仅82个命令中的24个支持。 您可以使用以下命令轻松找到要执行的操作:

Get-Command -Module SqlServer -ParameterName Credential

You will notice that the command “Invoke-Sqlcmd” is not listed. The “Invoke-Sqlcmd” command does let you pass in a username and password for a SQL Login, but only in plain text. The commands that do support the credential parameter have the same limitation as the provider, only accepting SQL Login authentication.

您会注意到命令“ Invoke-Sqlcmd”未列出。 “ Invoke-Sqlcmd”命令确实允许您输入SQL登录名的用户名和密码,但只能使用纯文本。 支持凭据参数的命令与提供程序具有相同的限制,仅接受SQL登录身份验证。

A short example that uses “Get-SqlErrorLog”:

一个使用“ Get-SqlErrorLog”的简短示例:

$cred = Get-CredentialGet-SqlErrorLog -ServerInstance MyServer -Credential $cred | select -Last 3

SQL Server管理对象(SMO) (SQL Server Management Objects (SMO))

SMO supports Windows or SQL Authentication, but connecting with SMO is a bit unique based on which authentication type you want to use. To just refresh, the lines to create our SMO server object are noted below and include just creating the PScredential object:

SMO支持Windows或SQL身份验证,但是根据要使用的身份验证类型,与SMO的连接有点独特。 为了刷新,下面将介绍创建SMO服务器对象的行,其中包括仅创建PScredential对象的行:

$cred = Get-CredentialAdd-Type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91"$srv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server MyServer

Once you have the server object create we work out passing in the account desired, based on which type is needed.


SMO – Windows身份验证 (SMO – Windows Authentication)

To use a Windows account you have to let SMO know by setting some properties to true:


$srv.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = $true$srv.ConnectionContext.ConnectAsUser = $true

We can then pass in the username and password from the credential variable and connect.


``powershell $srv.ConnectionContext.ConnectAsUserName = $cred.username $srv.ConnectionContext.ConnectAsUserPassword = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password $srv.ConnectionContext.Connect() ```

SMO – SQL登录 (SMO – SQL Login)

In comparison to use a SQL Login account you set the LoginSecure to false, and then just pass in the username and password but we have to use a different set of properties:


$srv.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = $false$srv.ConnectionContext.set_Login($cred.username)$srv.ConnectionContext.set_SecurePassword($cred.password)$srv.ConnectionContext.Connect()

dbatools (dbatools)

The module is helping to make DBA’s lives easier where we do not have to remember all that SMO syntax. Instead of remembering all of the above properties based on which authentication type wouldn’t it be easier to just use a function to create the server object? Let me introduce you to “Connect-DbaSqlServer”, one of many commands in the dbatools module. This command is based on an internal function that is used within each command to build the needed server object for SMO. After you install dbatools it is as simple as the following lines:

模块正在帮助我们 DBA的工作,而不必记住所有SMO语法。 除了记住基于哪种身份验证类型的上述所有属性,仅使用函数创建服务器对象会更容易吗? 让我向您介绍“ Connect-DbaSqlServer”,它是dbatools模块中的许多命令之一。 该命令基于内部功能,该内部功能在每个命令中使用,以构建SMO所需的服务器对象。 安装dbatools之后,它就像下面几行一样简单:

Import-Module dbatools$cred = Get-Credential$srv = Connect-DbaSqlServer -Sqlserver MyServer -Credential $cred

Isn’t that much easier to use?


.NET(System.Data.SqlClient) (.NET (System.Data.SqlClient))

SqlClient only allows a SQL Login account to be provided. Which is expected as .NET utilizes the login that initiated the process for Windows Authentication. To utilize a SQL Login account we need to build a specific credential object, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential. You have to pass in the username and the password (as SecureString). There is one extra thing required for the password. The SqlCredential requires that the password is read-only, so it cannot be altered once the connection is made. Which means once you set it as read-only it cannot be reverted, you would have to rebuild the object. Any attempt to modify that password will give you an invalid exception error.

SqlClient仅允许提供SQL登录帐户。 .NET可以利用启动Windows身份验证过程的登录名来实现。 要使用SQL登录帐户,我们需要构建一个特定的凭据对象System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential。 您必须输入用户名和密码(作为SecureString)。 密码还需要一件事。 SqlCredential要求密码为只读,因此一旦建立连接便无法更改密码。 这意味着一旦将其设置为只读,便无法还原,则必须重建该对象。 任何尝试修改该密码的操作都会给您一个无效的异常错误。

We can still use our PSCredential to collect the username and password. The following are the steps to take for building the SqlCredential object:

我们仍然可以使用我们的PSCredential来收集用户名和密码。 以下是构建SqlCredential对象要采取的步骤:

# First create the PSCredential object$cred = Get-Credential #set the password as read only$cred.Password.MakeReadOnly() # Create the SqlCredential object$sqlCred = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential($cred.username,$cred.password)

After we have that we just need to set the credential for our connection:


$sqlConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection$sqlConn.ConnectionString = “Server=localhost\sql12;Initial Catalog=master”$sqlConn.Credential = $sqlCred

结语 (Wrap Up)

As you probably noticed, SQL Login gets the most support in the options above. If you need to use Windows Authentication you have a few options but for the most part will need to start PowerShell as the needed Windows Account. PowerShell offers multiple options for connecting as a different Windows Account that are not directly related to SQL Server, if SQL Login is just not an option. You can look into commands like “Invoke-Command” or “Start-Process”, these provide an option to also pass in a Windows credential.

您可能已经注意到,SQL Login在上面的选项中获得了最大的支持。 如果您需要使用Windows身份验证,则可以选择几种方法,但大多数情况下需要以所需的Windows帐户启动PowerShell。 如果不选择SQL登录,PowerShell提供了多个选项作为不同的Windows帐户进行连接,这些选项与SQL Server没有直接关系。 您可以查看“ Invoke-Command”或“ Start-Process”之类的命令,这些命令提供了也可以传递Windows凭据的选项。

I hope the above information provides some help in better understanding using alternate credentials to connect to SQL Server.

我希望以上信息可以帮助您更好地理解使用备用凭据连接到SQL Server。



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